The first article of the series, Solos are Not Alone, There Are Millions of us!

As I promised you last week, this series will include the unique challenges of aging alone. The first challenge:

Lack of Built-in Support System for Solo Agers

One of the unique challenges faced by solo agers is the lack of a built-in support system.

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Unlike those with close family ties, solo agers often find themselves without immediate family members to rely on for emotional, physical, or logistical support as they age. This can lead to feelings of vulnerability, especially in times of health crises or other life changes. However, there are effective strategies to navigate this challenge.

First, building a strong community network is crucial. Engaging in local clubs, religious groups, or volunteer organizations can foster meaningful connections. These social networks not only provide companionship but can also offer practical support when needed.

Secondly, it's important to establish a relationship with a trusted healthcare proxy and financial power of attorney. These professionals can make crucial decisions on behalf of solo agers if they become incapacitated.

Thirdly, embracing technology can be a game-changer. Various apps and services can help solo agers stay connected with communities, manage health and wellness, and even provide emergency assistance. Finally, proactive planning for long-term care is essential. This includes exploring housing options like co-housing communities or assisted living facilities that offer built-in support networks and resources.

By taking these proactive steps, solo agers can create a robust support system, ensuring a secure and fulfilling journey through their later years.

What tricks have you found to help you navigate this particular challenge? 

Stay well and connected!!

Carol Marak


Carol Marak
Carol Marak LLC