Build Cognitive Resilience

As people age, brains show signs of wear and tear. Cognitive processes may slow down, and memory may not be as sharp as before.

However, the concept of 'Cognitive Reserve' provides a glimmer of hope. Cognitive reserve refers to the brain's ability to adapt and find alternative ways of completing tasks when traditional neural pathways have been damaged or have degenerated due to aging. This adaptability allows the brain to continually solve problems and execute tasks effectively.

Steps for building cognitive resilience:

Lifelong Learning: Pick up a new skill or explore a passion you've always had. Whether it's learning to play a musical instrument, mastering a new language, or delving into an exciting hobby, lifelong learning keeps your brain engaged and agile.

Mindful Practices: Take moments to center yourself. Mindfulness practices, like meditation and deep breathing, reduce stress and enhance cognitive resilience.

Social Engagement: Human connection is the lifeblood of our well-being. Engaging with friends, family, and the community is like a cognitive workout.
Social interactions stimulate the brain, helping it stay adaptable and sharp.

Physical Exercise: Movement is a gift to the brain. Regular physical activity boosts blood flow, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to your brain cells. It's not just about staying physically fit; it's about keeping your brain in top form too.

The Mastering Solo Aging Resource Group equips participants to put into practice these and more! Attend the FREE webinar next week and learn how! 

SEPTEMBER 19, 5 pm CT (3 pm PT and 6 pm ET.)

Life Plan Webinar

Carol Marak
Carol Marak LLC