Critical Considerations of Solos Living With Limited Family Help

In planning for the years ahead, the priorities should be centered around ensuring health and wellness, financial security, strong social networks, suitable housing, and clear end-of-life plans.

These elements not only contribute to a more secure and fulfilling retirement but also reduce the burden on family members and caregivers, ensuring that your wishes and needs are respected and met.

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Heres a list of essential questions to ask yourself as you approach the years ahead. These questions not only serve as a foundation for a robust life plan but also align seamlessly with the services you may need from professionals.

Five thought-provoking questions that can guide adults in planning

1) How Will I Manage Health and Wellness as I Age? 

Prioritize your health and anticipate potential future issues. This involves regular medical check-ups, understanding familial health history, and planning for possible long-term care needs. It's crucial to consider how to manage chronic conditions and whether you have access to quality services. This aspect also includes mental health and the importance of maintaining cognitive functions.

2) What is My Financial Plan for the Future?

Financial security is paramount in ensuring a comfortable and stress-free retirement. Assess your retirement savings, understand the cash flow, and plan for unexpected expenses. This includes evaluating insurance needs, understanding Medicare and Medicaid benefits, and considering the costs of potential long-term care. Also explore options for maximizing your income in retirement, such as investment strategies or part-time work.

3) How Will I Maintain Social Connections and Support Networks?

Loneliness and social isolation can be significant issues for those living alone. It's important to plan for maintaining and building social connections. This could involve community engagement, fostering relationships with friends, peers, and family, and exploring opportunities for new social interactions. Consider who will be your support system in times of need, such as during health crises or for emotional support.

4) What Are My Housing Options as I Age?

Housing is a critical consideration, especially as mobility and health needs change. Evaluate your current living situation and make sure it will be suitable as you get older or if you should downsize, move to a retirement community, or explore assisted living options. This also includes considering the accessibility and safety of these living environments.

5) What Are My End-of-Life Preferences and Have I Communicated Them?

While often a difficult subject to think about, it's important to consider end-of-life preferences. This includes having up-to-date legal documents such as a will, living will, and power of attorney. Consider your preferences for palliative care and communicate these wishes to those who care about you and to the healthcare providers.

Take a deep dive into all 10 life domains 

Whether solo or married, with or without family nearby, The Life Plan Assessment uncovers the potential hazards of aging. Completing it gives clarity and understanding which carry the most risk. 

Proven Process to Identify & Manage the Longevity Risks


Carol Marak
Carol Marak LLC